Sunday, August 30, 2009

MM and I climbed Maiden's Cliff on Wednesday. It was a gorgeous day, all humidity finally broken, the air clear and wonderfully breathable, the sky vividly blue with small, friendly, cotton-ball clouds hanging out on the edges. When we got to the top, we could see Lake Megunticook spread out in all directions below us, as well as the islands, and in the far distance to the left, the shining sea. Glorious

We sat on the big rocks off to the right, away from the more popular area, where a great white cross stands as a memorial to the young girl who, 75 years earlier on a church picnic, fell tragically to her death from this spot. (Hence the trail's name.)

We settled ourselves on the rocks and marveled at the place we found ourselves in. Soon a sea plane appeared in the sky, not so far above us. MM waved her hat at it and sure enough, it tipped its wings to us in a flirty gesture that made us laugh and yell like kids. It was a "God, I am glad to be alive" day.

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